Jun 2, 2009

We people are accustomed to go out and buy gifts for kids only on a certain occasion such as the popular birthdays and Christmas. I remember kids in my generation used to get ordinary candies, bag of limp crackers or melt chocolates during Christmas parties, LOL! While flowers and cards were mostly given by classmates and friends every time we celebrate birthdays at school. Never in my entire childhood life as far as I remember did I receive what I can consider an extraordinary gift in our time other than new clothes and shoes. That's how simple are special occasions back then.

Unlike nowadays, gift givers already have bunch of choices on what and where to buy a gift from even without the need for them to be away from their home. Just like these wonderful gift ideas below. They are only few clicks away using the Internet.

Cool, are they not? It's really amazing how the advent of new technologies changed and make people's lives a whole lot easier today.


cute indeed! yeah these technologies are making our lives easier. everything is possible.


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